LTE: Peter Golec on fire department consolidation

Dear Editor,   A few facts about the proposed consolidation of the Rockingham, Saxtons River, and Bellows Falls fire departments into one department. None of the current three stations will close. The proposal is that any firefighter from any current … Continued

LTE: Andrea Murray thanks Windsor District voters

Dear Friends, Supporters, and Voters of Windsor District,   I want to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude to each of you who believed in my campaign for State Senate. You shared your stories and campaigned alongside me … Continued

LTE: Keith Stern responds to Kem Phillips

Dear Editor,   I appreciated Kem Phillips’ letter last week, it was entertaining, although completely wrong. If he bothered to go to the VAERS website, he would see reported incidences of adverse reactions. Also, he can find out on the … Continued

LTE: Windsor District Senate Team thanks voters

Dear Editor,   Thank you to the Windsor District voters for electing us to represent you in the Vermont State Senate. We are honored to serve, and appreciate your vote of confidence. We are grateful to our many volunteers who … Continued

LTE: Svetlana Philips on Chili Cook-off names

Dear Editor,   “On Oct. 12, Ludlow Rotary Club held its 33rd annual Chili Cook-off.” This is the introduction to an Okemo Valley TV video where one of the participants is featured receiving an award for his chili in the … Continued

Political LTE: Richard Doyle in support of Casey Cota

Dear Windham-3 voters,   I would like to express my thoughts and opinion on a candidate for the House of  Representatives, Casey Cota of Bellows Falls/Rockingham, Vt. I have known, and consider myself to be a personal friend of, Casey … Continued

Political LTE: Paul Obuchowski in support of Casey Cota

Dear Windham-3 voters, All registered voters of Windham-3 – that includes Rockingham, Westminster, and Brookline – please vote on Nov. 5. This will be the most important election of your lifetime for both the United States of America, and the … Continued

Political LTE: Kem Phillips responds to Stu Lindberg

Dear Editor,   Having grown up on a small dairy farm in western Pennsylvania, I enthusiastically agree with Stu Lindberg that we should milk cows. But that’s about all I can agree with him on. I’ll stick to two issues … Continued

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