Article Submissions

Press Releases: To contribute press releases, events, and other local information, email or contact the editorial department at 802-228-3600. Contact information must be included. Deadline is Friday at 12 p.m. for the following Wednesday publication.

Contributors: Writers and photographers wanting to contribute local interest content and ideas are encouraged to contact Journal LLC. Publication is not guaranteed unless specified.


Editorial Guidelines

Please submit your press releases and articles via email:
– Copy/Text should be sent as an email attachment saved as a Word Document. Please do not format any of the copy, such as center, bold, or double space.
– If you have an image, please submit it as an attachment as a .jpeg file. Resolution should be at least 100 dpi for a quality image. Do NOT put it in the Word Document.

Please help us by editing your own articles prior to sending them in to us:
– Do NOT use double spaces after a period. Use a SINGLE SPACE after punctuation at the end of a sentence.
– Do NOT indent or “tab” your paragraphs. A simple “return” works best.
– If you have an image, please provide information about who took the photo and a description of the photo.
– Check your punctuation and grammar!
– Place punctuation inside quotation marks. Example: “We’re proud to participate in this year’s event,” he said. “It benefits everyone.”
– Use your spell check before submitting your article.


Obituary Guidelines

As of October 1, 2021, our obituary submission prices are as follows:

·      A 200-word submission will be a base price of $75 with a charge of $0.50 per word after.

·      A photo is an additional $10 charge. It will run in black and white in print, but can run in color online. Photos should be in either JPEG or PNG formats.

·      Check or credit card prepayment is mandatory, but please note that our credit card terminal charges a 3.5% fee for processing.

– Obituaries must be emailed to by Monday 12 p.m. to be included in that week’s Wednesday paper.

– Please submit the obituary in either a word document or pasted into the body of the email. Please do not send a PDF.


Advertising Deadlines

The Vermont Journal and The Shopper are published weekly. The pages are put together on Mondays and Tuesdays, published on Wednesdays, and in mailboxes on Thursdays.
Our deadlines are crucial to get your articles and ads in on time. 

Display Advertising, includes Auto, Real Estate, Legal Notices, and Help Wanted:
Due by Friday @ 12 p.m.

Classified Listing:
Classified LINE Item – Due by Friday @ 12 p.m.

Yellow Page Business Directory Listing:
Listing – Due by Friday @ 12 p.m.

Website Advertising:
Due by Thursday @ 10 a.m. Uploaded online Thursday afternoon.


Display Ad Submissions

*Please keep in mind that our ads are sized by the column inch.

Ads can be submitted to We can build an ad for you, or you can submit a press ready ad that we place in our papers.

Ad Sizing:
6 Column Page         Width
1 Column                    1.5287″
2 Columns                  3.2222″
3 Columns                  4.9167″
4 Columns                  6.6111″
5 Columns                  8.3055″
6 Columns                 10″

Height runs by the half inch.

Classified Listing Submissions

Classified ads run in a column that is 1.5278 inches wide. This is a line listing that will be in our Classifieds Section on page 5B.

We have a MINIMUM 4 line / $20 fee. There is an additional charge of $0.50 for each word thereafter.

You can email your classified listing to, or submit a classified here.

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