Next Generation performance auditions at Chandler Music Hall

RANDOLPH, Vt. – Chandler announces auditions for the thirteenth annual Next Generation performance on Sunday, April 27, beginning midmorning. Auditions are open to area middle- and high school-age students who are seriously studying classical music of all genres – instrumental, … Continued

BDCC Fearless Futures Fair at BFUHS

BELLOWS FALLS, Vt. – On Wednesday, April 2, from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m., Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation’s (BDCC) Pipelines and Pathways Program will hold the third annual Fearless Futures Fair at Bellows Falls Union High School (BFUHS). Fearless Futures … Continued

Ludlow Rotary Club seeking scholarship applicants

LUDLOW, Vt. – In keeping with its annual goal of rewarding qualified high school seniors, the Ludlow Rotary Club (LRC) is encouraging eligible seniors to apply for scholarships to help meet their goals for higher education following graduation from high … Continued

Girls on the Run Vermont seeks volunteer coaches

REGION – Girls on the Run Vermont (GOTRVT) needs coaches. Girls on the Run is a physical activity-based, positive youth development program that inspires students in third through eighth grade to be joyful, healthy, and confident. The 10-week program incorporates … Continued

ESBR hosts open house for families

LUDLOW, Vt. – Six exciting weeks into the school year already, the Expeditionary School at Black River (ESBR) hosted an open house on the evening of Thursday, Oct. 10, to share with ESBR families what the students have been experiencing … Continued

Senior Solutions sponsors Intergenerational Lap Quilt Project

REGION – Senior Solutions, the area agency on aging for southeastern Vermont, and Springfield Area Public Access TV (SAPA TV), with funding from the Vermont Arts Council, proudly sponsor the Intergenerational Lap Quilt Project. Students from Riverside Middle School (RMS) … Continued

Leland & Gray to host Reality Fair

TOWNSHEND, Vt. – Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation’s Pipelines and Pathways Program has partnered with Leland & Gray High School to host the third annual Reality Fair on Thursday, Oct. 3. The Reality Fair is an interactive, hands-on experience that covers … Continued

Cavendish demands a voice on GMUSD restructuring plans

CAVENDISH, Vt. – At the Cavendish Selectboard meeting on July 8, Wendi McNaughton, Proctorsville resident, mother, and teacher, addressed the board along with a “handful of concerned Cavendish citizens who have been following the restructuring meetings,” referring to the discussion … Continued

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