Springfield Rotary food drive a success

SPRINGFIELD, Vt. – The Springfield Rotary Club’s Fill the Cart from the Heart Food Drive was held on Saturday, Nov. 16, in the Springfield Shopping Plaza, to benefit the Springfield Family Center Food Shelf. One thousand ninety-eight pounds of food … Continued

BFWC helps to Overflow the Opera House

BELLOWS FALLS, Vt. – Members of the Bellows Falls Woman’s Club are pictured at the recent Overflow the Opera House food drive at Bellows Falls Opera House, to benefit Our Place Drop-in Center. They and others donated many bags and … Continued

Okemo Valley Women’s Club September meeting recap

LUDLOW, Vt. – The General Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC) Okemo Valley Women’s Club (OVWC) met Monday, Sept. 9, to begin their season of meetings and volunteerism. Thirty-three women attended the 2024-2025 year’s inaugural meeting, including nine guests. The evening’s … Continued

Overflow the Opera House fundraiser

BELLOWS FALLS, Vt. – The Square in front of the Bellows Falls Opera House will be the stage for the annual Overflow the Opera House (OFOH) food drive, to benefit Our Place Drop-in Center, on Thursday, Sept. 26. Beginning at … Continued

Okemo Valley Women’s Club to hold food drive

REGION – The General Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC) Okemo Valley Women’s Club (OVWC) is pleased to announce the kickoff of the National Day of Service (NDS), spotlighting food insecurity and hunger in the United States. This year’s NDS is … Continued

Springfield Hospital employees donate to local food shelf

SPRINGFIELD, Vt. – In celebration of National Hospital Week, Springfield Hospital employees participated in a food drive to benefit the Springfield Family Center’s Food Shelf. The 322 pounds of nonperishable foods were delivered to the family center on May 21, … Continued

LTE BRGNS thanks postal workers

Dear Editor,   The recent postal carrier’s food drive on behalf of Black River Good Neighbor Services Food Shelf deserves a huge thank you to our local postal workers. An amazing amount of food was donated in just one day, … Continued

Springfield Rotary Club food drive a success

SPRINGFIELD, Vt. – The Springfield Rotary Club’s Fill the Cart from the Heart Food Drive was held on Saturday, May 11, at the Springfield Shopping Plaza, to benefit the Springfield Family Center Food Shelf. Seven hundred thirty-nine pounds of food and … Continued

Springfield Lions Club food drive a success

SPRINGFIELD, Vt. – The Springfield Lions Club hosted its annual food drive on April 20, at Shaw’s in Springfield. Four hundred pounds of food and $454 in monetary donations were collected for the Springfield Family Center. Thank you Shaw’s Grocery … Continued

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