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Springfield Rotary hears about Hartness Airport

SPRINGFIELD, Vt. – Bruce Johnson, chair of the Springfield Airport Commission, talked about the history of the Hartness State Airport at the recent meeting of the Springfield Rotary Club held at the Springfield Area Parent Child Center Training Center. Hartness … Continued

MOOver resumes Okemo Village route Dec. 24

LUDLOW, Vt. – The Route 61 Okemo Village route resumes its winter weekends and holidays service on Tuesday, Dec. 24. This is the third season that the MOOver will operate this route connecting Okemo with Ludlow. Last year 5,885 rides … Continued

State will foot the bill for Williams Bridge upgrades

ROCKINGHAM, Vt. – Rockingham town manager Scott Pickup updated the selectboard on several municipal projects at the Tuesday, Dec. 17 meeting. Pickup shared that during the last heavy rainfall, the roof of the town hall experienced a drainage issue which … Continued

LTE: Coexistence with coyotes

Dear Editor,   So many people lack empathy towards wild animals who are simply trying to survive. We all know what it’s like when we miss a meal: our bellies rumble, and we might even get lightheaded. Many of us … Continued

Springfield Rotary’s Kurn Hattin Christmas project

WESTMINSTER, Vt. – Springfield Rotary Club brought Christmas to the kids at Kurn Hattin Home for Children in Westminster, Vt., on Dec. 12. Kurn Hattin, founded in 1894, is a year-round, charitable, residential and day program home and school serving … Continued

LTE: Animal cruelty at North Springfield packinghouse

Dear Editor,   The most recent animal cruelty atrocities, which were documented by a federal inspector at the Vermont Packinghouse in North Springfield, Vt., should result in criminal charges of cruelty to animals against the slaughter plant and the “third-party” … Continued

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