LTE Music Mondays to benefit LVRS and fire departments

Dear Editor,   We at Londonderry Volunteer Rescue Squad and the local fire departments want to encourage everyone to attend the Five-Town Flood Relief Benefit Concert at Pingree Park on Monday, Aug. 14. This was originally scheduled as part of … Continued

LTE Mount Holly thanks flood aid workers

Dear Editor,   The Town of Mount Holly would like to thank the generous individuals and organizations who provided immediate aid, food, and expertise in the aftermath of the recent flooding. For road work and excavation: Norton Property Management, Hawkins … Continued

LTE ESBR recognized by Vermont DOE

Dear Editor, The Board of Trustees for the Expeditionary School at Black River (ESBR) is pleased to report that after a long arduous process, ESBR is now an Approved Independent School by the Department of Education of Vermont. This means … Continued

LTE Weston Theater Company opens “Constitution”

Dear Editor,   Despite the devastation, we’re back with good news. Thanks to the unwavering perseverance of the cast, crew, and creatives behind “What the Constitution Means to Me,” and the support of our community, the show still opened on … Continued

LTE Thank you to flood cleanup workers and volunteers

Dear Editor,   As a 2019 transplant from Connecticut to Ludlow, I did not witness the local devastation from Hurricane Irene in 2011. From all accounts that I recall hearing about and discussion with many residents who did bear witness … Continued

LTE The state of workers in the U.S.

Dear Editor,   In a recent Oxfam study on worker wellbeing, the U.S. came in last of the 38 countries in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The countries in the OECD include not only Western European countries, … Continued

LTE Thank you, tag sale participants

Dear Editor,   Our neighborhood tag sale went really well. Four families set up displays of items that were still usable, but no longer needed in our homes. The things we used to take to the swap shop at the … Continued

LTE Bellows Falls bridge blog

Dear Editor,   I hope by now you’ve had an opportunity to read Betsy Thurston’s first post on our newly launched blog exploring the history of the Bellows Falls bridges. There will be much more to come in the months … Continued

LTE Heather Chase legislative update

Dear Editor,   It’s late May, and I have finished my first session as your representative in the Vermont House of Representatives. I have thoroughly enjoyed representing you in Montpelier. I served on the House Commerce and Economic Development committee, … Continued

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