Food for Life Vegan Potluck

SPRINGFIELD, Vt. – Join us for the Food for Life Vegan Potluck on Sunday, Jan. 14, from 3:30-5:30 p.m., at the Huber building, 80 Main Street in Springfield, Vt. We gather monthly to share good food and socialize. Why potluck? … Continued

VINE Sanctuary Veg2Vegan Challenge

SPRINGFIELD, Vt. – The 30-Day Veg2Vegan Challenge is an opportunity for vegetarians to try going vegan in November, sponsored by VINE Sanctuary and AfroVegan Society. Vegetarians considering the transition to a vegan lifestyle now have the opportunity to try it … Continued

Monthly Vegan Food Potluck

CHESTER, Vt. – The First Universalist Parish of Chester, 221 North Street, will hold a monthly Vegan Food Potluck each second Wednesday of the month. This month’s potluck will be held Wednesday, Oct. 11, from 5:30-7 p.m. You don’t have … Continued

Food for Life Vegan Potluck

SPRINGFIELD, Vt. – The Food for Life Vegan Potluck will be held on Oct. 1 at the Commons Park, 63 Summer Hill Street, Springfield, Vt., from 3:30-5:30 p.m. Whether you are vegan, vegetarian, veganish, or just curious about this way … Continued

Springfield vegan potluck

SPRINGFIELD, Vt. – The next Food for Life Vegan Potluck will be held outdoors at the Commons Park in Springfield, Vt., on Sunday, June 4, from 3:30-5:30 p.m. The park is located at 63 Summer Hill Street, and is handicapped … Continued

Food for Life vegan potluck

SPRINGFIELD, Vt. – Join us for the Food for Life vegan potluck on Sunday, April 23, from 3:30 – 5:30 p.m. at the Huber building, 80 Main Street in Springfield, Vt. We gather monthly to share good food and socialize. … Continued

VINE’s Vegan Challenge: Eat the Rainbow for Pride Month

VINE Sanctuary invites you to "Eat the Rainbow" for the month of June. Stock photo

SPRINGFIELD, Vt. – VINE Sanctuary, a farmed animal refuge in Vermont, is celebrating Pride month by challenging LGBTQIA+ people and their friends and family to “Eat the Rainbow” by going vegan for the month of June. Participants in the nationwide … Continued

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