Rockingham hears Williams Bridge concerns, cyber incident

ROCKINGHAM, Vt. – At the Tuesday night, Nov. 5, Rockingham Selectboard meeting, town manager Scott Pickup reported on a “cybersecurity incident” at the town hall that involved an “outside bad actor,” according to Pickup. The term “bad actor” refers to … Continued

Free eclipse talk and solar glasses at SAPA TV

SPRINGFIELD, Vt. – A total solar eclipse will pass through Vermont on Monday, April 8. For those who wish to prepare, SAPA TV, the Springfield area’s public access TV station, will host an eclipse primer talk on Monday, April 2, … Continued

Springfield Library eclipse talk

SPRINGFIELD, Vt. – On Tuesday, April 2, at 6 p.m., join Claudio Veliz at the Springfield Town Library for his presentation “The 2024 Total Solar Eclipse.” The total solar eclipse of April 8 is significant because it will be within … Continued

Solar Eclipse Activity Days at the Montshire Museum

NORWICH, Vt. – Join us for two days of solar eclipse celebrations. Learn about the total solar eclipse with hands-on activities and StarLab sessions throughout the day on Sunday and Monday, then view the eclipse with Montshire educators on Monday, … Continued

Solar eclipse talk by Claudio Veliz

CAVENDISH, Vt. – Join the Cavendish Community and Conservation Association’s Walk and Talk Committee for a talk by noted astronomer Claudio Veliz about the upcoming total solar eclipse. The talk will be held on Tuesday, March 19, at 6 p.m., … Continued

Allen Brothers Market to go solar

WESTMINSTER, Vt. – Allen Brothers Market, a deli, bakery, farm stand, and garden center located on Route 5 in Westminster, has been awarded a $780,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Rural Energy for America program to construct … Continued

Windham installs solar array

WINDHAM, Vt. – A solar array was recently installed on the town office roof in Windham that will generate enough electricity to pay for the power in the town’s three buildings. With an annual production of 20.76 megawatt hours, the … Continued

Gallery at the VAULT welcomes Adam Karle

SPRINGFIELD, Vt. – Gallery at the VAULT welcomes Adam Karle of Green Mountain Backyard, LLC, with his vintage solar sap buckets. Adam has a background in fine arts from Castleton State College. He is attracted to galvanized metals, and has … Continued

Saxtons River Solar Project moves forward

SAXTONS RIVER, Vt. – After a recent Rockingham Selectboard meeting, in which the board voiced its support of a proposed solar energy project on a section of land next to Corey Hill Road in Saxtons River, the plans proposed by … Continued

Chester solar field appraised

CHESTER, Vt. – At the Feb. 1 Chester Selectboard meeting Town Manager Julie Hance presented the board with the awaited solar field appraisal. The appraisal, done by an independent contractor, came out to $1.1 million. The board’s next step is … Continued

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