14th annual Blue Flames concert and community picnic

WESTON, Vt. – On Saturday, Sept. 9, from 4-6 p.m., everyone is invited to come to Weston’s town green for a special Blue Flames Steel Band concert, to benefit the area’s flood victims. Bring a picnic, family, and friends, and … Continued

Ludlow Legion benefit barbecue

LUDLOW, Vt. – Please join on Saturday, Aug. 26, 9 a.m. – 2 p.m., for another delicious Legion Chicken Barbecue in downtown Ludlow. The Legion has hosted many benefit barbecues over the years, and they are always great and sell … Continued

LTE Music Mondays to benefit LVRS and fire departments

Dear Editor,   We at Londonderry Volunteer Rescue Squad and the local fire departments want to encourage everyone to attend the Five-Town Flood Relief Benefit Concert at Pingree Park on Monday, Aug. 14. This was originally scheduled as part of … Continued

Benefit Golf Tournament for Okemo Mountain School

LUDLOW, Vt. – Come out and enjoy a great day of golf, food, friends, and prizes. Okemo Mountain School’s 13th annual Benefit Golf Tournament will be held on Saturday, Sept. 30, at Crown Point Country Club in Springfield, Vt. Lunch … Continued

Tunes for our Towns a success

CHESTER, Vt. – The Tunes for our Towns fundraiser held Sunday evening, July 23, on the green in Chester was a great success. Event organizer Scott Blair extended a “huge thanks to Stone Hearth Inn & Eatery for providing the … Continued

River Artisan’s Cooperative benefits scholarships

BELLOWS FALLS, Vt. – The River Artisan’s Cooperative store on Main Street in Bellows Falls has a wide range of art and craft articles by talented and interesting local artists. Of particular interest are rugs and other items made by … Continued

Spring Perennial Swap in Mount Holly

MOUNT HOLLY, Vt. – Bring your plants, bulbs, or seeds to share. No plants to share, no problem – make a donation instead. All proceeds benefit Mount Holly Community Association. The event will take place in the MHCA Community Center, … Continued

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