LTE Heather Chase veto session summary

Dear Residents of Athens, Chester, Grafton, and Windham,   As your state representative, I am proud to have participated in the democratic process of legislating this week. On June 17, 2024, the legislature reconvened at the state house to vote … Continued

LTE Goat pedestrians at Red Light Hill

Dear Editor, The other day as I was coming down from what is called “Red Light Hill,” in Bellows Falls. As the light turned green, I saw what I though was a cute little dog. Then  there were more. As … Continued

LTE BRGNS thanks postal workers

Dear Editor,   The recent postal carrier’s food drive on behalf of Black River Good Neighbor Services Food Shelf deserves a huge thank you to our local postal workers. An amazing amount of food was donated in just one day, … Continued

LTE Ludlow Mount Holly school budget

Dear Editor,   June 4 is an important date for the Ludlow and Mount Holly communities to rally together and approve our local school budget. As you know, this is the third attempt at the budget, and it is especially … Continued

LTE A successful Weston Playhouse fundraiser

Dear Editor,   We would like to thank all those who helped with publicity, refreshments, and ushering, and participated in the recent Play Every Town concert in Weston, number 56 in the series of “Concerts for a Cooler Climate” taking place in … Continued

LTE Ludlow-Mount Holly school budget

Dear Editor,   Please vote “yes” on the Ludlow Mount Holly School Budget on Tuesday, June 4. Unlike some districts, the tax increases in our towns are lower than inflation – about 1.3% in Ludlow, and 3.9% in Mount Holly. … Continued

LTE Increasing tax burden

Dear Editor, It is difficult to think that my representatives in the Vermont Legislature, along with the rest of the Democrat/Progressive supermajority, are working in the interests of the people and the natural environment of this beautiful little state. The … Continued

LTE: Thank you to the Rockingham voters

Dear Rockingham voters, It has been a pleasure representing you on the BFUHS Board this past year. While it was a wild ride at times, with PCBs detected just weeks before school opened, a new principal, and a 2025 budgeting … Continued

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