Ludlow talks class 4 roads, FEMA frustrations

LUDLOW, Vt. – On Monday, July 1, the Ludlow Selectboard met for their regular monthly meeting, covering a range of ongoing issues. Municipal manager Brendan McNamara began the meeting by noting that the previous day had been Ludlow Fire Chief … Continued

Constellation Stories and Science

WILLISTON, Vt. – On Wednesday, July 17, from 4-5 p.m., acquire skill in locating the summer constellations with ease while listening to multicultural myths and legends and learning some of the science of the cosmos. The Planetarium Lady is located … Continued

Constellation Stories and Science 2024

Acquire skill in locating the summer constellations with ease while listening to multi-cultural myths and legends and learning some of the science of the cosmos! The Planetarium Lady is located at the end of a gravel road. Once you park, … Continued

LTE Rising property taxes

Dear Editor,   We recently became aware of the possibility of our property taxes increasing up to 20% next year. We find it totally unacceptable to burden us once again with a huge tax increase. Our property tax bill has … Continued

Seasonal day camps at The Nature Museum

GRAFTON, Vt. – How can snow keep you warm? What causes sap to flow in maple trees? What is a macroinvertebrate? Learn all about nature with The Nature Museum’s day camps for kids aged 4-11, offering activities designed to educate … Continued

Plymouth hears about Woodstock school, impact on taxes

PLYMOUTH, Vt. – The majority of the Jan. 16 Plymouth Selectboard meeting was a presentation from Mountain Views Supervisory Union (MVSU) Board Chair Keri Bristow, Vice Chair Ben Ford, and Plymouth representatives Elliot Rubin and Josh Linton, on the proposed … Continued

Cavendish Selectboard hears ARPA recommendations, talks school funding

CAVENDISH, Vt. — At their Jan. 8 meeting, the Cavendish Selectboard dissolved the town’s American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) committee, approved the use of the Australian ballot system for this year’s Town Meeting, and decided to create a committee to … Continued

Can it be recycled?

SPRINGFIELD, Vt. – Join Ham Gillett at the Springfield Town Library on Wednesday, Sept. 20, at 1 p.m. for a presentation titled “Recycle it? Yes or No?” Should it be recycled? This a question to ponder. Are you feeling overwhelmed … Continued

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