Burlington Taiko at Summer Bandwagon Series

PUTNEY, Vt. – The Next Stage Bandwagon Summer Series presents a concert of traditional Japanese taiko drumming with Burlington Taiko on Saturday, Oct. 21, at 3 p.m., at Cooper Field, 41 Sand Hill Road in Putney. For more than 30 … Continued

Cardio Drumming

CHESTERFIELD, N.H. – Cardio Drumming is an upbeat exercise program using large exercise balls in a bucket and drum sticks or wooden spoons. Drumming patterns are set to current and oldies music. Come meet your neighbors and have some fun.

Path of Life Garden Drum & Dance Retreat Weekend

WINDSOR, Vt. – Drum & Dance Circle-Retreat weekend June 25-26 at the Path of Life Garden, in Windsor. There is a fee for the two-day retreat, which includes evening Yoga, gourmet taco dinner provided by artisaneatsvt.com, Bonfire & Drum Cirlce … Continued

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