Supporting Native Plants Supports Bird Populations

A bluebird pair. Photo provided.

SPRINGFIELD, Vt. – Desiree Narango, conservation biologist from the Vermont Center for Ecostudies, will present the OLLI-Osher Lifelong Learning Institute program “Supporting Native Plants Supports Bird Populations” on Tuesday, April 11, at 2 p.m., at the Nolin Murray Center next to St. Mary’s Church on Pleasant St. in Springfield.

She will discuss the interdependence in the ecosystem between plants and animals. Birds depend on insects from native plants to feed their young. She’ll consider the disappearance of many bird species in our area if the plants aren’t here to provide their usual food source. By planting and encouraging more native plants in our gardens, yards, and fields we will support the native fruits and berries and insects that feed upon them, thus providing the food source that our local birds are accustomed to for raising their young.

Desiree’s research focuses on biodiversity conservation and habitat restoration in the face of global change. She primarily studies plants, insects, and birds, with a particular focus on food chain interactions, habitat relationships of wildlife with specialized life histories, and the natural processes applied to ecology.

Desiree’s ultimate goal is to help land managers and communities implement effective and efficient action to support biodiversity and people in a rapidly changing world.

This program is co-sponsored by the Springfield Garden Club.

If there are weather related changes to the schedule you can check the website on the morning of the program or call 802-885-3094.

Non-members are welcome and encouraged to attend individual programs for a single program fee. You may view the entire semester of programs by going to the website Pre-registration can be done online, you may also register over the phone by calling 802-656-5817 during regular office hours Monday – Friday from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.

If you do attend and have not pre-registered, we will welcome you, and provide an easy form for you to take to send in payment or pay online after the program.

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