Journal LLC publishes The Vermont Journal and The Shopper Newspaper. Our weekly newspapers are printed every Wednesday, and distributed free of charge via the U.S. Postal Service and through regional businesses. They are upbeat publications with a neutral standpoint, and dedicated to accurately reporting news, events, sports, and other activities in the Okemo Valley and Southern Connecticut River Valley.
The Vermont Journal and The Shopper Newspaper focus on the unique character, issues, and offerings relevant to each paper’s location and coverage area. The Vermont Journal focuses on Central Vermont towns including Cavendish, Chester, Londonderry, Ludlow, Mount Holly, Plymouth, Proctorsville, Weston, and surrounding communities. The Shopper Newspaper concentrates on Southern Vermont towns including Bellows Falls, Grafton, Saxtons River, Springfield, Weathersfield, Westminster, and neighboring Vermont communities, as well as Charlestown, Walpole, and adjacent communities in New Hampshire.
Shawntae Webb serves as publisher of both The Vermont Journal and The Shopper Newspaper, which are affiliated with the Rutland Herald newspaper group.
As a service to the community, we provide an opinion page for readers to voice their perspectives on various local issues and events. We also welcome press releases and other regional news from our local residents and businesses. Though we love to hear from our community, we do have limited space on each page, so every submission and photo is not guaranteed to be printed.
For our advertisers, we provide a Yellow Page Business Directory, as well as a Classified section for smaller listings.
Submit your own Classified, Business Directory listing, or regular display ads to our publications today!
Submit an Event to our Calendar
Submit an ad via email to ads@vermontjournal.com
Submit press releases via email to editor@vermontjournal.com
We have been the weekly newspaper of choice for many years, dating back to the Miller family in the latter half of the 1900s, including publisher Bob Miller, who retired in 2021. In 1998, Miller maintained the family paper, The Shopper, which was based out of Bellows Falls. He then started The Vermont Journal, which was originally based in Waitsfield until the end of 2005. The operation for The Vermont Journal and The Shopper was then moved to our present location in Ludlow, Vt., where the current publisher, Mrs. Webb, continues the tradition of serving our community with local news, events, and more.
Your news, advertisements, and feedback are all appreciated, and we thank you for choosing The Vermont Journal and The Shopper Newspaper!