GFWC-VT continuing education scholarship

REGION – The General Federation of Women’s Clubs of Vermont (GFWC-VT) announces the availability of scholarships for Vermont women, beyond the traditional high school to college age track, seeking to further their education, training, or to upgrade their skills in preparation for entering or advancing in the workplace. Applicants must submit a specific plan for their education or training. Applications are due to Betty Haggerty, 16 Taylor Street, Bellows Falls, VT 05101, by March 15; her contact information is also included on the application.

The scholarships range from $500 to $1,500. GFWC-VT has been awarding this financial aid, which is funded through contributions from the state federated clubs and from individuals, for 30 years.

The scholarship is named for the late Barbara Jean Barker of Poultney, who served as GFWC-VT president from 1992-1994, and who was instrumental in establishing the program. Women receiving the awards over the years have come from a wide range of Vermont towns.

Applications for the scholarship can be obtained from Betty Haggerty,; and Beverley Pallmerine, president, GFWC-VT, They are also available through federated woman’s clubs in Vermont towns, through Community College of Vermont (CCV), and Vermont Tech sites around the state. Information is also available through the VSAC booklet of financial aid. The scholarships will be awarded at the state federation’s annual meeting in April.

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