Cavendish DAR honors Good Citizens

Left to right: Abbigale Williams, Joy Donnelly Good Citizens Chairman, and Aliya Farmer. Not pictured is Marshall Simpson. Photo provided

CAVENDISH, Vt. – The Cavendish-William French Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) chapter has honored three 2024 graduates from area high schools with the DAR Good Citizen Award. These students are selected by their schools and peers to exemplify the qualities of dependability, service, leadership, and patriotism. If the student selected in their high school wishes to try for the Vermont State Society of the DAR scholarship, he or she must submit a list of school actives, extracurricular activities, community service work, a school transcript, and letters of recommendation. The student must also write how he or she demonstrates the qualities of a good citizen.

In addition, the student is placed in a room with a proctor where they must write a timed essay on a given subject, with no internet or reference materials allowed.

Aliya Farmer of Saxons River is the DAR Good Citizen from Bellows Falls Union High School. She has participated in girls varsity basketball, soccer, and softball, and she coached third and fourth grade girls basketball. She is a member of the National Honor Society, and has participated and assisted in many community events. She is a certified lifeguard, and worked as a camp counselor, enjoying her work with children. Farmer plans to work towards a bachelor’s degree in pediatric nursing.

Marshall Simpson of Springfield is the DAR Good Citizen from Springfield High School. Simpson participated in track and field, and soccer, and volunteered in many school activities, including becoming the student representative to school board meetings and town council meetings. His interest in the health field motivated him to enroll in dual enrollment courses in psychology, and anatomy and physiology. He also attended the Governor’s Institute of Vermont Health, and has logged nearly 140 hours of community service in his town. Simpson plans to study nursing.

Abbigale Williams of Andover is the DAR Good Citizen from Green Mountain Union High School, and she also attended River Valley Technical Center in Springfield. She is a member of the National Honor Society and the National Technical Honor Society. Williams participated in girls varsity soccer and softball, and was involved with student government, and prom and homecoming committees. Williams has assisted with a variety of events in her hometown. She plans to major in criminal justice with a minor in environmental science.

The students were honored at the May meeting of the DAR.

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