ANDOVER, Vt. – Abbigale Williams, daughter of Wesley Williams of Andover, has been chosen by her teachers and the Class of 2024 as Green Mountain Union High School’s (GMUHS) newest Daughters of the American Revolution Good Citizen Award recipient. The DAR Good Citizens Program and scholarship contest is intended to encourage and reward the qualities of good citizenship. The recipient must have the qualities of dependability, service, leadership and patriotism.
Abbigale is a member of the GMUHS National Honor Society and the National Technical Honor Society at River Valley Technical Center. She has been a member of the girls varsity soccer team and varsity softball team while at GMUHS. Abbigale is also involved with student government, prom, and homecoming committees.
Abbigale will be attending Elmira College next year, majoring in criminal justice with a minor in environmental science.
Recently, Abbigale was honored at the DAR meeting held at the Whiting Town Library in Chester, where she was able to read her essay to the members.
Green Mountain Union High School would like to congratulate Abbigale on this honor.