Old news

I was going through stuff and found a Black River Gazette newspaper, published in Ludlow on Friday, Oct. 27, 1871. The front page is national news with some local news. The last page is news from area towns.



“During the protracted gale of Friday last, a little son of Moses Dow aged about seven years was severely injured by the falling of a large gate which was hurled against him with such force as cause compound fracture of both legs midway between the knee and body.

“The little fellows sufferings were intense while being carried to his home a distance of nearly two miles with the splintered bones protruding into the flesh. He underwent the operation of ‘setting’ bravely, which was performed by Dr’s Craig and Harrington and he is doing well.”


Looking down Depot Street in Ludlow. Notice the wooden horse in the store window at left. “R.E. Hathorn” on window. Photo by Ron Patch


“A fire broke out on the mountain west of Ludlow village last Sabbath, and spread over a large tract of land during the day, consuming much wood and timber. Several hundred cords of wood, belonging to F. Chaffee, of Rutland, and cut for railroad use, were consumed: Royal Smith lost eighty cords, insured; other particulars we have not learned. The origin of the fire is unknown, but during a dry time it would take but a match or a shotgun to create such a conflagration. Many persons went from the village Sunday and Monday, and the flames were finally got under control.”



“Quite a number of the citizens here met at the old graveyard on the 21st inst. for the purpose of clearing out the shrubbery and improving the grounds. Many of them remained and worked during the entire day, and the yard has now quite a respectable appearance.

“Henry Hutcherson has picked from a single tree this fall, 21 bushels of apples. This gentleman lives on the farm upon which Moses Warner settled in 1776, and who was the first annual settler in the present town of Andover. The house and barn on this farm I believe, built by Warner, and though probably the oldest frame buildings in town, are still in a very comfortable state of repair.

“Farmers here who have had their grain threshed, say that the yield is lighter than was expected, especially of oats.

“Now is the time for those who keep hens to procure a quantity of coarse sand or gravel, for the fowls to pick and wallow in during the winter. And see to it that they have some warm, sheltered place of retreat to roost and lay in, and with proper food your fowls will pay you well. Markham”



“Joshua Tripp has bought the Eagle Hotel, of Artemus Spaulding of Ludlow, and takes possession of the same the first of April next.

“Charles H. Ross, son of Ashel Ross, (Station Agent) started for Solomon City, Kansas, on Tuesday evening last, to work in a railroad office there.

“There are two children in this village, who have nine grandparents now living; let us hear from some one having more.

“Doct. Skinner arrived at the Eagle Hotel on Monday last, and has taken rooms there, and as usual has all he can do. People in the vicinity appreciate good dentistry and the Dr. can’t be beat. We learn that an invitation has been given him, and those composing the concert troupe here, to give another entertainment during his stay which they have accepted, and we are anticipating one more musical treat.”



“A small unoccupied tenant house belonging to Mrs. Flagg was entirely destroyed by fire on the night of the 16th inst. between 2 and 4 o’clock; the work of an incendiary.

“A meeting of citizens of the west part of Weathersfield was held at the Hall of the Hawks Mountain House on the 21st inst. and organized a society for the purpose of locating a new cemetery. The old burying ground on the plain has been in use for 75 years and is nearly filled up.

“Horace Preston, of Perkinsville, exchanged his house and blacksmith shop for a farm in Windham and moved onto it. Perkinsville has now but one blacksmith.”


  This week’s old saying: “When it comes to people, some are worth more than others.”

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