A couple years ago an out-of-town antiques dealer brought to my attention that the eagle weathervane on top of Chester Town Hall was precariously leaning to one side. It was only a matter of time before it fell.
I went into the town hall and asked Amie O’Brien to come outside with me. I showed her how the eagle was going to be lost if nothing was done. Amie acted quickly, requesting town employee Steve Vertefeuille look into it.
Steve arranged for the vane to be taken down and repaired. It was taken down by Jay Murray of “Dances with Roofs.” After repair, Springfield Fire Department, with their 95-foot platform truck, put the vane back on top of the town hall.
Most readers will know that craftsmen of the 19th century took great pride in their workmanship. Weathervane craftsmen were no different. Weathervanes were hand-fitted and lead-soldered.
As an example, a wing is two pieces, comprised of a top and bottom section. Each copper section was molded under pressure. Before these two pieces could be joined together, hand fitting of the two wing sections was needed. With tiny hammers and rasps, the craftsman made the two pieces fit together like a glove. Next, the edges of the wing were expertly soldered. Fake vanes have sloppy soldering.
This hand fitting was repeated many times with the different body parts. When the vane was finished, it was covered in gold leaf.

Louis Marshall
At the historical society are many documents and photos donated by Ted Spaulding and his brother John Leon, aka “Gramp.” In those donations is a ledger kept by Louis Marshall. Louis was a steeplejack. I found mention of Louis taking the eagle vane down for repair. When our vane was taken down two years ago, it was painted with silver radiator paint. I believe it was Louis who painted it with radiator paint. It is now painted gold.
The day Louis took the vane down, he had rigged ropes for climbing and a rope to let the vane down to ground level. Louis lowered the vane down to his helper. The vane was taken to a blacksmith near the bear carver. This place was torn down a few years ago.
The repairs were made while Louis stayed on top of the cupola. A sudden wind came up, almost knocking Louis off the cupola. All Louis had to hang on to was the hole in the cupola in which the cardinal rod was inserted. The wind died down as quickly as it appeared. Louis finished the job without further incident.
As a sidebar, Louis built and installed the fire escape at the academy building.
Vane values
Weathervanes can be valuable if everything comes together. Like old coins, prices are determined by rarity and condition. In the antiques trade, weathervanes are sold as sculpture.
I was told years ago, “Once you have seen the best vane, you can judge all others.” Because this vane has been painted, it would not be the best. In the past I have written about fake vanes. Study the detail in the eagle head. As you travel around antiques shops, compare the detail in this eagle head with those you see. They are not even close.

My thoughts
I did not personally see this vane, only photos. Wingspan was not measured, but estimated 50 inches. It’s my opinion that this vane was made by Harris & Co., or Cushing and White.
Instead of an old saying, I offer a short story. In the 1980s, weathervane values rose rapidly. Every picker and antiques dealer kept their eyes open for vanes on a barn as we drove around. Sometimes we got lucky, but most people didn’t care to sell their vane. When they couldn’t be bought, some resorted to theft.
Such was the case at the home of Alice and Jane Farrell in the Stone Village. They had a giant rooster vane on top of their barn. Everyone tried to buy it, but it wasn’t for sale.
It was stolen by helicopter in the mid-1980s, at about 6 a.m. Jane was very private, and didn’t want the police involved. At the time this was a $10,000 vane.