Political LTE: Walter Martone supports Emmons and Morris for State Representative

Dear Editor,


I am voting for Alice Emmons and Kristi Morris for state representatives representing Springfield in the upcoming election – I hope you will too. I recently served for nine years on the Springfield Selectboard, two of which as its chair. One of the most important things I learned was the importance of having representatives you can count on to work closely with our town officials to get things done, to find funds to accomplish our local goals and projects, and to ensure that we have strong voices that consistently fight for what is important for Springfield to prosper and move forward. I agree that certain statewide issues are also important. Things like affordable childcare, protecting the environment, ensuring adequate housing, and affordable healthcare. But I want more from our representatives – I want them to open doors for us, and help navigate the bureaucracy in the Capitol. I want them to help us secure funding to help Springfield. I want them to convince their fellow legislators of all parties to support bills and policies that help Springfield.

Emmons and Morris have and will continue to do this and more. They have aggressively and consistently fought for Springfield. As a local official, I always knew that these two individuals could be counted on to alert us to funds available to support our town priorities, to arrange meetings with high-ranking state officials and other state elected officers regardless of party affiliation, to introduce and fight for legislation that helps Springfield. This is how things get done to help Springfield, this is how projects get built, this is how rules get changed, this is how Springfield gets moved up the priority list, and this is why I’m voting for Alice Emmons and Kristi Morris, and I hope you will too. Thank you.


Paid for by Walter Martone

Springfield, Vt.

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