Political LTE: Adrienne Raymond for Vermont

Dear Voters,


My name is Adrienne Raymond, and I am running for the Vermont House of Representatives seat recently vacated by Logan Nicoll, representing Ludlow, Mount Holly, and Shrewsbury, on Nov. 5.

I have lived in Vermont since 1979, when I moved to Shrewsbury at age 20. I followed a path similar to many; attended Castleton, worked at Pico, met and married a local (Rutland) boy, and made my life here. After graduating from Vermont Tech, my working life was varied – from veterinary assistant, to defined benefit pension analyst. When our first son was born, we moved back to Shrewsbury, had two more sons, and I started volunteering in our local schools and working in town government. My children are now grown, mostly married (youngest next May) with careers, and I have three beautiful grandchildren, with a baby boy arriving around Thanksgiving. I continue to be involved in my local government. Currently, I’m a justice of the peace, animal control officer, and the Shrewsbury zoning administrator. In the past I’ve served as auditor, lister, development review board member, and I was a school board member for more than 20 years for both Shrewsbury and the Mill River districts. I continue to serve as a guardian ad litem helping kids in DCF custody. I am a socially liberal, fiscally moderate Democrat.

Why am I running to be a House representative? The upcoming legislative session must successfully address the increasing costs of living in Vermont, as housing, property taxes, and health-related costs are increasing beyond affordability. These are difficult questions that require an open mind and a willingness to listen to the many competing interests for state funds.

Public schools are being asked to provide so much; are we funding them appropriately? How do we bring down the cost of health insurance? How do we bring back vacant housing stock? Build new affordable housing? How do we enable small communities to build wastewater treatment capacity, water systems, and flood resiliency? How well does any proposal fit the needs of those who live in Ludlow, Mount Holly, and Shrewsbury?

Please consider voting for me on Nov. 5. I am happy to take phone calls and emails to discuss issues that are important to you at 802-353-0973 or raymond@vermontel.net. Learn more at www.voteadrienneraymond.com.


Paid for by Adrienne Raymond for Vermont

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