LTE: Chris Morrow update, community meeting

Hello Friends,


This is not a typical legislative session, because the massive effort to improve the education system is dominating everything (no decisions have been made yet), and, the federal government’s changing funding policies are sowing uncertainty and making decision making very difficult as we go into the budget process. That said, there is plenty of good work going on. Please see below to provide input and support.

I am a member of the Rural Caucus, which is a tripartisan group of legislators who collaborate to support Vermont’s rural communities and economy. The group values civil discourse, local wisdom, and working across party lines for a better future for Vermont. We need to hear from you! The public is invited to share their top issues affecting rural Vermont with the Rural Caucus. We’re looking for actionable ideas and insights from rural Vermonters as to what can be done legislatively. Whether you are concerned about education reform, health care, climate change resiliency, affordable housing, or another topic, let your voices be heard, and share your perspective that will guide the work of the Rural Caucus in the upcoming session and beyond.

Participants will have two minutes each, so please be focused and concise in your remarks.

This hearing will be held on Wednesday, Feb. 19, from 5:30-7 p.m., at the Vermont Statehouse, Room 10, and online via Zoom. Sign up to participate at

I am cosponsoring a bill to make our schools phone-free. The data on this is overwhelming. This is a grassroots, volunteer effort around the state trying to get cell phones and social media out of the school day for all Vermont kids. A handful of schools in Vermont have gone truly phone-free for the entire school day, and the results are so positive. There’s better academic focus, improved mental health, and stronger social cohesion among students with their peers and teachers. We need to get more voices asking legislators to support the Phone and Social Media-Free Schools Bill, H54/S21.

Be part of this important statewide effort for our kids. Find out more about the Phone and Social Media-Free Schools Bill by reading the briefing document and frequently asked questions at

Please sign this letter of support telling our Vermont legislators you want all Vermont students to experience the benefits of a phone- and social media-free school day at

Send a simple note to your legislators – or better yet, call them – and let them know you support this bill. Find them at Visit to find out more.

I am also working on a bill to mandate that internet service providers offer a low-income broadband tier for qualified Vermonters. Through this process, I found out that Xfinity already has a good program, but not many people know about it. Please share this with anyone you think might qualify. $14.95/month for 75Mbps. More information at

Thanks for reading, and please keep in touch.



Rep. Chris Morrow

Windsor-Windham-Bennington District


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