CHESTER, Vt. – At the Feb. 1 Chester Selectboard meeting Town Manager Julie Hance presented the board with the awaited solar field appraisal. The appraisal, done by an independent contractor, came out to $1.1 million. The board’s next step is to send the appraisal into the company Greenbacker to get a final price. Greenbacker previously appraised the site at a cost of $2.4 million. The board asked the town attorney to take a look at the solar field documents so they may have a better understanding of the financials of the field.
Citizen Bill Lindsay asked the board if there was land around the field that could be used for possible expansion. Board member Lee Gustafson said that there was land, but he was not sure if it would be suitable for building. Citizen Tim Roper explained that the original field was approved for a specific size, so while solar may be built around the original field, it could not technically be part of the same array.
The board accepted a motion for the Vermont State Revolving Fund for a loan of $78,000 for the wastewater management plan. Hance explained that once the project was completed half of the loan, $39,000, would be forgiven.
The board moved to approve the $457,000 bond used for the purchase of an ambulance and dump truck. The board also moved to approve another bond of $425,000 to complete construction on Route 35, for a culvert replacement on Green Mountain Turnpike, and for the paving of Andover Road.
Hance mentioned there would be a presentation on the newly forming police advisory committee at the next meeting.
There was discussion on forming a reuse committee to come up with possible plans for the Academy Building. Hance mentioned a grant set to open in May that could be used for energy upgrades in the Whiting Library and the Academy Building.
The Chester Selectboard meets the first and third Wednesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. in the upstairs of the Chester Town Hall. The next meeting will be on Feb. 15.