CHESTER, Vt. – The Chester Town Democratic Committee (CTDC) met Thursday, Feb. 20, to reorganize its officers, and make plans for the upcoming year.
Two dozen Democrats attended the meeting, including two from Andover who had come to discuss how to create an Andover Democratic Committee, as well as to collaborate with the CTDC. Windsor County Democratic Chair Mark Yuengling also attended, offering whatever help either committee might need, and inviting Democrats to county events.
After Nick Boke was chosen to take James Clemer’s place as chair, Ed Grossman was voted vice chair, Nena Nanfeldt as secretary, and Marilyn Mahusky as treasurer.
The rest of the evening entailed discussing topics that will be worked on in the coming months. Working from a draft mission statement that included focusing on Vermont’s and Chester’s needs, attendees volunteered to join subcommittees about the CTDC’s mission, legislative affairs, and education, as well as a group that will organize relevant community-wide discussions at Upstairs at the Town Hall.
The next meeting will be held at the town office, on Thursday, March 6, at 6 p.m. For more information, email