MONTPELIER, Vt. – The winners of Vermont’s 2020 moose hunting permits were determined Wednesday, Aug. 5, at a lottery drawing in Montpelier witnessed by Fish & Wildlife’s Director of Wildlife Mark Scott and business systems analyst Cheri Waters. The drawing is done by a random sort of applications that were submitted by a July 8 deadline.
As part of the regular lottery drawing, a “special priority drawing” was held for five permits to go to applicants who are Vermont resident veterans. The unsuccessful applicants from the veteran drawing were included in the larger regular drawing that followed. All applicants for both drawings who did not receive a permit were awarded a bonus point to improve their chances in future moose permit lotteries.
The department will issue 55 either-sex moose hunting permits in WMU-E in the northeast corner of the state for the moose seasons this October, which is expected to result in the harvest of 30-35 moose.
Winners in this year’s moose hunting lottery are posted in a searchable database on the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department’s website at www.vtfishandwildlife.com.