LANDGROVE, Vt. – Green Mountain Gardeners’ (GMG) Mountain Garden Walks will take place on July 27, to benefit the Lib Thieme Scholarship Fund. According to Harper Stevenson, current scholarship recipient, “This scholarship helps defray the financial cost of college, and gives me freedom to volunteer my time to the organic garden on our campus. I very much appreciate this grant to help support my education.”
A graduate of Burr and Burton Academy, Stevenson attends Bowdoin College, majoring in environmental science and visual arts. Her environmental studies have deepened her knowledge of the human impact on climate change, something she has found both rewarding and concerning. Through her studies she has gained a sense of agency in what she can do to help protect the future of our environment and address climate change. Stevenson is excited about the role of visual arts to connect art, biology, and the environment to help explain environmental challenges that often seem hard to understand.
Stevenson sees a future where she is working outdoors, and helping people and the world around her. She loves returning to Vermont for the summer to garden and enjoy the beauty of our mountains, rivers, and landscapes.
The Lib Thieme Scholarship was established by the Green Mountain Gardeners in 2010 to honor Mrs. Elizabeth Thieme, a founding member of the GMG. Lib was an innovative and hands-on gardener who loved life, and especially the company of young people. Her generosity helped establish the scholarship that continues to be funded through garden tours, plant sales, and community events. The scholarship provides monetary assistance for college or vocational studies in environmental sciences, landscape design, conservation, agriculture, or ecology to area students.
Join the Green Mountain Gardeners Mountain Garden Walks on July 27, and contribute to the next scholar committed to the environment of Vermont and the world at large. More information on the 2024 Mountain Garden Walks and the Lib Thieme Scholarship can be found at www.greenmountaingardeners.net.