REGION – Have you got what it takes to be a volunteer “River Dipper” with the Black River Action Team? It takes a love of the outdoors (especially our river and the streams that feed it) an ability to drive to your site or sites as needed (regular Dippers sample every other weekend between mid-May and mid-August, while bacteria samplers visit their swimming hole every Wednesday morning between Memorial Day and Labor Day) and transport those samples to a drop-location in a timely fashion. Good attention to detail is important, as is an ability to follow directions and maintain communication.
All training and equipment will be provided; several sites are available all around the Black River drainage basin: Plymouth, Reading, Ludlow, Cavendish, Ascutney, North Springfield, Weathersfield, and Springfield.
BRAT is also looking for weekly monitors on the Knapp ponds, Muckross Pond, and Echo Lake. Spoiler alert: you’ll need a kayak or canoe for those Dipping spots.
Please reach out to BRAT Director Kelly Stettner as soon as possible to learn more and sign up for a dipping spot. She can be reached by email at or by leaving a message at 802-738-0456.