SPRINGFIELD, Vt. – Robert John Bodo Jr., 66, of Springfield, Vt., died Nov. 17, 2020. He was born Feb. 28, 1954 and raised in Manchester, Conn. and Westchester, N.Y.
He enlisted in the United States Air Force and worked many years for the New York Railroad. He married Susan Bodo and had a son Frederick Bodo.
Bob was a leatherworker and enjoyed reenactments, going on many overnight trips, camping, and selling his wares. He was a very talented artist and did many mediums. He painted, made belts and bags out of leather. He also loved fishing.
He is survived by his son Frederick Bodo, ex-wife Susan Bodo, second ex-wife Sharon Bodo Farnum, brother Charles W. Bodo of Chester, Vt., sister Linda Bodo of Springfield, sister Laurie Bodo-Curran of North Springfield, brother-in-law Dan T. Curran, and two grandsons Vinny Bodo, 2, and Ian Bodo, 1.
His ashes were taken back to New York where he lived for many years. Burial will follow in New York. Details are pending at this time.