Whiting Library celebrates National Library Week

CHESTER, Vt. – The Whiting Library is celebrating National Library Week, April 23-29. Libraries are full of stories in a variety of formats, from picture books to large print, audiobooks to ebooks, and more. But there’s so much more to the story. “Libraries of Things” lend items like museum passes, take away bins, cake pans, and garden tools. Library programming brings communities together for entertainment, education, and connection through book clubs, story times, lectures, and other opportunities. Library infrastructure advances communities, providing internet and technology access, literacy skills, and support for businesses, job seekers, and entrepreneurs.

Come into the library for National Library Week and put your name into a raffle to win a puzzle for book lovers. The library trustees are holding a Fill-a-bag Book Sale Friday, April 28, and Saturday, April 29, in the book sale room. Fill a provided grocery bag from Smitty’s Chester Market for a small fee. All proceeds go to benefit the library’s collection and programs.

For upcoming library events, please visit our website, www.whitinglibrary.org or call 802-875-2277.

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