CHESTER, Vt. – Whiting Library celebrates National Library Week from April 4-10, 2021. This important week highlights the essential role libraries, librarians, and library workers play in transforming lives and strengthening communities. First sponsored in 1958, National Library Week is a national observance sponsored by the American Library Association and libraries of all types across the country each April. The theme for this year’s National Library Week is “Welcome to Your Library,” which promotes the idea that libraries extend far beyond the four walls of a building and that everyone is welcome to use their services.
As a thank you to all our patrons, Whiting Library will be handing out a coupon for a free book from our book sale for every checkout request for Front Porch Pick Up this week. Simply give us a call at 802-875-2277 or email to request items to check out. You can also browse the library catalog online and make requests directly there. The library staff is happy to make recommendations, print or copy documents, answer reference questions, and assist you with all your library needs. The staff is available during all our regular open hours.
There are two special days during National Library Week we want to highlight. First is April 6, which is Library Workers Day. On Library Workers Day, the staff of Whiting will put our feet up and take a spa day – just kidding, we’ll be doing the work we love in the library as usual! You can celebrate Library Worker Day by telling us your stories about helpful, informative, or fun interactions you have had with Whiting staff. We would love to hear how the library staff has helped you out in whatever small way. You can fill out a form on our front porch or website, or just send us an email – or letter – with your story.
The second special day is Library Giving Day on April 7. Library Giving Day is a one-day online fundraising push to help the library reach our annual $18,000 fundraising goal. This is essential money we use to purchase books and resources, subscribe to online services, offer engaging programs, feed the fish, and so much more. We are deeply grateful for all of the community members who make the library run with your donations each year. Consider making Library Giving Day your chance to honor the library by using the yellow donation button on our homepage at We are looking forward to celebrating this special week with you!