Vermont Elks hold yearly convention

Members of the Vermont Elks at their yearly convention in Gorham, N.H. Photo provided

GORHAM, N.H. – Recently, the Vermont Elks held their annual state convention at the Town & Country Inn in Gorham, N.H., with State President Jim Kirkwood presiding.

Mr. Kirkwood was elected president at last year’s Elks State Convention in May 2022. He is a member of Springfield Elks Lodge #1560 in Springfielld, Vt. He has, over 38 years, held many offices at his lodge, including past exalted ruler, but the position dear to his heart is handling drug awareness for his lodge for over 30 years. For his dedication to drug awareness, he has been the Vermont Elks state drug awareness chairman for many years. He is also an honorary lifemember of his lodge.

During the past year as Vermont Elks President, he and his team visited the other 10 lodges in the state, observing how their lodges are run, and thanking them for their service to Elkdom. Mr. Kirkwood and his team spent many hours planning for this year’s convention.

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