Vermont Chamber of Commerce flood recovery resources

REGION –  The Vermont Chamber is here to support businesses statewide with recovery efforts and their experienced and trusted team is on hand to listen, and assist. As we begin to understand the full extent of the damage caused by severe weather, there are initial steps they encourage businesses to take.

State emergency management officials and recovery resources are accessible at and by calling 211. In the event of an emergency, Vermonters should call 911. Vermonters should sign up to receive emergency alerts and observe road closures and power outages.

Governor Scott’s request for an emergency declaration for all 14 counties has been accepted by President Biden to allow for federal disaster relief resources to be deployed. State Emergency Management officials will be working with FEMA and the U.S. Small Business Administration on a disaster declaration which will allow for federal assistance in repairing damage from this storm. The Vermont Chamber is committed to connecting businesses with resources to aid in recovery and will send information as it becomes available.

What businesses can do right now:

  • Document the damage to your business and inventory via photos and videos when it is safe to do so.
  • Make a list of damaged or lost items and, if possible, include the date of purchase, value, and receipts.
  • Contact your insurance company to file a claim or understand what losses may be covered.

The Vermont Chamber is steadfast in our commitment to helping the Vermont business community recover from these catastrophic events. Please tell us what you’ll need to recover so we can connect you with resources and communicate needs with state and federal agencies:

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