LONDONDERRY, Vt. – Londonderry Area Tri-Mountain Lions Pam Nichols and Pat Glabach smile over the 290 pounds of non-perishable foods and personal hygiene products and $475 monetary donations collected at the Food From the Heart drive Saturday, May 22.
Tri-Mountain Lions Gail Wyman and Randee Keith helped set up the collection area in front of the Londonderry Hardware at 10 a.m. and collected and boxed items as generously donated by community members and weekend guests to our area.
Thank you to all who donated. A big thank you to the folks at Londonderry Hardware who let us set up in front of their store and to Jamie who wrote a check to match the $475 collected.
As our banner states, “ Kindness Matters.” The proceeds from this drive are divided between Londonderry’s Neighbor’s Pantry and the Winhall Community Center food shelf.
Interested in becoming a Tri-Mountain Lion? Email Randee.55@comcast.net for more information.