Students pay what they can to attend online summer immersions

REGION – The Governor’s Institutes of Vermont is looking for passionate and motivated high school students from all across the state. Applications have just opened up for GIV’s fun and intensive summer 2021 online immersion programs in Arts, Engineering, Entrepreneurship, Environmental Science & Technology, Global Issues & Youth Action, Health & Medicine, Mathematical Sciences, and Technology & Design.

GIV summer immersions are designed to be much more than an online course or a lecture series where students watch talking heads on a computer. At these virtual programs, 9th through 12th grade students, including graduating seniors, will spend one to two weeks growing their knowledge in a subject matter of their choosing, and building lasting bonds with the community of young learners they’ll join as part of GIV’s 2021 cohort. Learning isn’t something that happens passively at GIV, online or otherwise. Students of these immersions won’t just receive knowledge: they’ll be an active part in developing and seeking it through interactive, hands-on workshops, activities, research, and more. With the guidance of expert mentors and the help of their peers and newfound friends, they will get inspired and learn all about the varied career pathways and opportunities that match their interests.

GIV pivoted to an online format in 2020, reimagining its regular residential experiences on Vermont college campuses and serving more than 300 Vermont teenagers. Students were able to stay safe at home while meeting new friends from around the state and learning about topics they love. They built turbines using kits GIV sent them, explored and developed their artistic practice together, participated in group stargazing from hilltops around the state, and tested the water quality of their very own streams and rivers to gather and analyze data through UVM’s labs.

One student of last year’s Arts Immersion summed up their experience by saying, “I gained a lot of creative inspiration and confidence in my art and my abilities. It was heartwarming to be virtually surrounded by such incredible artists during this lonely and grief-filled time. In addition to the creative inspiration and confidence, I also gained a lot of new friends and connections.”

A student of the Mathematical Sciences Immersion added, “It was really fun and it’s awesome that GIV could adapt to an online sphere so effectively. If it’s online in the future it will still be definitely worth doing.”

This summer, GIV will offer its world-class programming with a “pay what you can” tuition structure to ensure that every motivated student has access to these world-class programs. GIV will also provide technical troubleshooting to any student who needs it, and urges Vermonters to apply even if broadband access is an issue where they live.

Executive Director Elizabeth Frascoia adds, “We know this has been an incredibly challenging year for Vermont families, and we are committed to continue to provide exciting, transformative learning communities for our young people, no matter what a family can afford. Our students have gone without so many of their normal supports and joys this year, and we welcome them to explore their passions with us this summer and immerse themselves in a supportive community.”

To learn more about GIV’s Summer Online Immersions, please visit or email with any questions. Students can head over to to fill out a simple application.

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