SPRINGFIELD, Vt. – The Springfield Community Players are proud to present “Clue: On Stage,” based on the screenplay by Jonathan Lynn, written by Sandy Rustin.
The show revolves around quirky guests invited to a dinner party at Boddy Manor. “Clue” is a hilarious farce-meets-murder mystery, which is inspired by the 1985 Paramount movie, based on the Hasbro Board game.
The story takes place during the Red Scare, which caused hysteria over the perceived threat posed by communists in the U.S. Our six quirky guests arrive for a dinner party on a dark stormy night at Boddy Maner. As the story unfolds, we find out they are all being blackmailed, and the murders begin. As the body count rises, Wadsworth (Miles Ledoux), Miss Scarlet (Maritza Garcia), Professor Plum (Tom Field), Mrs. White (Ashlee White), Mr. Green (Craig Woodbury), Mrs. Peacock (Jet [Janet] Trimboli), and Colonel Mustard (Scott Magnusion) race around Boddy Manor trying to find the killer.

Patty Greene-Pawelczyk makes her debut as a director with “Clue: On Stage.” She stated that she is fortunate to have such a hard-working, talented cast, this made her job so much easier. They are not only working hard to bring you a great show, but a fun stage. Come join us for a night of laughter, mystery, and yes, murder. Was it Mrs. White in the study with the rope?
Show dates are Nov. 11 and 18, at 7:30 p.m., and Nov. 12 and 19, at 2 p.m. Doors open a half hour before show time.
Tickets can be purchased online at www.springfieldcommunityplayers.org, by phone 802-885-4098, and at the door on the day of the performance.