WESTMINSTER, Vt. – Southeastern Vermont Community Action (SEVCA) is once again offering free tax assistance via the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program (VITA). This year, in-person services will be provided at eight locations in Windsor and Windham counties. New and revived VITA locations include sites at the Old Firehouse in Wilmington, the Winston Prouty campus in Brattleboro, the Springfield Town Library, the Ludlow Community Center, Townshend Town Hall, and St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in White River Junction. Appointments and drop-off services can also be found at SEVCA’s main office in Westminster, the Springfield Library, and the Windsor Resource Center.
SEVCA’s efforts are led by Emily Strasser, VITA program coordinator, who was a VITA volunteer last year when all the returns were prepared remotely. “I am glad we are able to return to meeting with people in person, and that we can do it in new locations that make it easy for people to find us. It is important to me that everyone understands their taxes and then can make informed decisions about things like how much is being withheld from each paycheck. For some people, this is an easy way to save up a large amount of money – but for others they could be taking home more money on payday.”
In-person services are preferred by people using VITA, and are preferred by volunteer preparers. Strasser reports, “Most people are interested in learning about their taxes, and for the volunteers this educational process is so rewarding. It is a lot easier to do this when working together on a return.” VITA services are available to people who generally make $64,000 or less; persons with disabilities; and limited English-speaking taxpayers.
“I’m thrilled that we’re able to offer in-person services again, and that we’re expanding the number of VITA locations. We want to make this program as easy for people to access as possible,” reported newly appointed SEVCA executive director Joshua Davis. “Emily has done a tremendous job getting us ready to support as many people as possible, maximizing their tax return through the VITA program.”
VITA volunteers come from all backgrounds and undergo a comprehensive training program. Tax preparers must pass annual certifying exams to prove their understanding of relevant tax laws and proficiency of e-filing and tax preparation methods using IRS-approved software.
If you are interested in having your taxes prepared by a VITA volunteer, more information about VITA locations and how to make an appointment can be found at www.sevca.org, or call our direct line to the VITA program at 802-428-3032.