SEVCA assistance with Homestead Declaration, Property Tax Credit Claim

WESTMINSTER, Vt. – If you are a Vermont homeowner, you can receive a reduction in your property taxes by filing a Homestead Declaration, but you need to act fast to ensure you meet the Oct. 15 deadline. Once filed, your tax rate is discounted based on your income. Southeastern Vermont Community Action (SEVCA) offers free assistance with filing out the Homestead Declaration. If you are a Vermont homeowner, you are required to file a Homestead Declaration every year to receive the homestead property tax rate. Many individuals can lower their property tax bill by filing a Property Tax Credit Claim. The final deadline for these claims is Oct. 15.

This assistance is part of our Volunteer Tax Assistance (VITA) program. Every year we help scores of people file their taxes via the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program. We also assist Vermont residents with filing their Homestead Declaration, Property Tax Credit Claim, and Renter Rebate Claim. If you are interested in having your taxes prepared, or need assistance with your Homestead Declaration, Property Tax Credit Claim, or Renter Credit, go to, or call or text our direct line to the VITA program at 802-428-3032.

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