ROCKINGHAM, Vt. – It is that time of the year when new access stickers are necessary for entrance and use of the Rockingham Recycling Center. The prices and process for the stickers has not changed. They can be obtained or purchased (if you are a non-resident) at the Rockingham Town Clerk’s Office in Bellows Falls, or at the cashier’s building at the recycling center. The new stickers should be on your vehicle by July 1. For those who have safety equipment in their vehicles, poly squares that can be displayed on the vehicle’s dashboard are available. You must display a sticker or you will be asked to obtain one.
Currently no price increases are anticipated, but this may be subject to change.
A glass separation program will hopefully be in place by July 1. This program will remove all glass items from the recycle compactor that now accepts glass, paper, cans, and cardboard. There will be a new dumpster on the side of the building that takes construction debris, mattresses, and couches. There will be no requirement to separate clear from colored glass. Please watch for signs designating this new program.
All users of the recycling center are urged to observe the traffic pattern currently in place. You must enter on the right side of the building (scale side), and proceed around to the left side to exit. There have been a number of close calls with people going the wrong way against traffic coming in. Please do not park and visit with your neighbors while in the traffic pattern.
As before, attendants are there to answer any and all questions. Confrontation with attendants over rules or directions will not be tolerated. If they occur, you will be asked to leave the facility. The Town of Rockingham thanks you for your cooperation.