Rockingham Library bakes up a cookbook club

BELLOWS FALLS, Vt. – Part book club and part potluck, the Rockingham Free Public Library invites cooking enthusiasts to our cookbook club. For each scheduled meeting, we’ll take home copies of the same or similar cookbooks, and then prepare one of the recipes to bring to the next gathering. We’ll eat and discuss the food and book, our food traditions, and other topics

The next gathering is scheduled for Monday, Aug. 12, at 5:30 p.m., at the library. We are keeping it local and gearing up for “Back to School” season by checking out “Baking School: Lessons and Recipes for Every Baker” by King Arthur Baking Company. Copies are available for patron checkout at Rockingham Free Public Library.

The club is free to join, and cooks of all skill levels are welcome. This program is made possible by a grant from the Association for Rural and Small Libraries, and is presented as part of the “Seed to Spoon: Cultivating Community” project. For more information, email, call 802-463-4270, or visit the library online at or in person at 65 Westminster Street, Bellows Falls, Vt.

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