Our Place receives Vermont Foodbank grants

BELLOWS FALLS, Vt. – Our Place Drop-in Center has received two grants of $3,500 each from the Vermont Foodbank, to increase its capacity to provide food for those experiencing food insecurity.

The Vermonters Feeding Vermonters grant will be used to buy fresh local produce, prepared foods, yogurt, and cheese for the food shelf and for the senior citizen monthly food distributions. Currently, food packages are delivered to 30 homebound seniors each month.

A second grant will be used to purchase a glass-front refrigerator to display fresh produce in the food pantry, making the contents more visible and encouraging more choice of fresh produce by those using the pantry.

“We are trying to increase the availability and use of fresh produce by our community,” said Our Place director David Billings. “Local produce not only supports our local economy, but it also provides a sense of place and pride in one’s community by sharing the bounty that comes from it.”

In season, Our Place secures fresh produce from Black River Produce, Harlow Farm, Pete’s Stand, and the overabundance of local gardeners.

Our Place is a community food center located at 4 Island Street, that provides 100 breakfast and lunch meals on weekdays, monthly food pantry visits for 100 families, and a monthly delivery to 30 homebound seniors. It serves families in Rockingham and the surrounding area, and in Walpole and North Walpole, N.H. Information is available by contacting Our Place at 802-463-2217, emailing info@ourplacevermont.org, or online at www.ourplacevermont.org or on Facebook.

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