LUDLOW, Vt. – Ludlow Rotary Club recently unveiled a beautiful 15-foot street clock at the corner of Main and Elm streets in memory of longtime Ludlow resident and Rotarian of 60-plus years Bob Kirkbride who died in March 2020 at age 93.
The street clock, made by Electric Time Company Inc. of Medfield, Mass., was designed by the club and was placed on town of Ludlow property with the blessing of the Ludlow Village Trustees. Special thanks are extended to the Town’s Municipal Manager Scott Murphy, Ludlow’s Highway Crew, Ludlow Electric Company, Benson’s Chevrolet who stored it for us once it was shipped to Ludlow, and assistance from Brett Wright and Wright Construction all who were instrumental of erecting and making sure the clock was ticking!
The dedication was held after a Ludlow Rotary luncheon Tuesday, Sept. 14 and family members were present along with an honor guard from the American Legion Post 36 and many fellow Rotarians, neighbors, and friends. Rotarian Kimberly Lampert started the proceeding with all reciting the Pledge of Allegiance then introduced the club’s present and last two presidents all who led the club while deciding on what meaningful tribute we could do in Bob’s memory.
Also recognized was Rotary Past District Governor Jon Springer of Reading who was a former Ludlow Police Chief in Ludlow and a friend of Bob’s since the 1970s. Brigid Sullivan, fellow Ludlow Rotarian from Belmont, provided a blessing and then Rotarian Jim Rumrill said a few words about Bob as Rotarian; he was followed by Frank Heald, former town manager and fellow Rotarian, who spoke of Bob as a Ludlow citizen and friend and how Bob always found the “gift of time” to help others and raise money to benefit our little town and the area. Several funny stories were told by each, of course!
Sharon Bixby spoke of the process of actually getting the clock and thanked those who helped the club with the project. Rotarians, Town Departments, Ludlow Electric, Rotarian spouses like Jon Lampert were a great help; even a Rotarian grandson helped plant the flowers at the base of the clock.
Then it was time for Kevin Barnes, Ludlow Rotarian, and Jon Lampert to remove the covering and unveil the lovely clock. Applause and some tears of joy and pride followed. Rotarian Mary Crowley closed the dedication, leading us all in one of Bob’s favorite songs, “God Bless America!”
It was a picturesque day to honor and memorialize a great man who Ludlow will surely miss. As noted by Rotarian Sharon Bixby, “Bob’s ‘gift of time’, dedicated to helping others and being with those we love and care for, is perhaps his lasting memorial from which we can all benefit.”