Ludlow Rotary inaugurates new president

Outgoing President James Rumrill and incoming President Thomas Ray

LUDLOW, Vt. – This past Tuesday, the Ludlow Rotary Club celebrated the changing of the gavel from President James Rumrill to Thomas Ray. Meeting at the lake home of Tom Harris, the rains stayed away long enough to share the tradition of outing President Rumrill to rewind his year and the club’s accomplishments. This was Rumrill’s second time as club president.

In recognition of Jim’s accomplishments, incoming President Tom Ray presented Jim with a wall plaque of recognition.

New President Ray takes over until June 30, 2024. Ray has been a member of the club since 2021, after moving from NYC to his Ludlow home permanently. Ray grew up in Wisconsin.

The club would like to congratulate Rumrill on a great year of leadership and fun, and wishes Ray all the best for his year.

The club also welcomed new member Ron Berk. Berk is a retired psychologist, and is looking forward to his membership in the club.

The Ludlow Rotary Club was chartered in 1927, and meets most Tuesdays at DJ’s Restaurant from 12:15-1:30 p.m. The club is active locally and internationally, serving peace and humanity, and having fun in the process. New members are welcome to attend a luncheon. Email for more information.

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