LTE Ludlow Mount Holly school budget

Dear Editor,


June 4 is an important date for the Ludlow and Mount Holly communities to rally together and approve our local school budget.

As you know, this is the third attempt at the budget, and it is especially important to continue the education of our youth. Our family has been attending Ludlow schools for four generations, and it is important to know our three grandsons are getting the supportive help and instruction my parents, Ron and I, and our daughters received. The staff and administration at Ludlow Elementary continue to excel and genuinely care for our children. I am sure the same can be found in the Mount Holly school. Our middle and high school students deserve our passing the budget as well, so they can continue with the schools of their choice.

Our kids have so many opportunities thanks to us, the voters. Yes, we know our property taxes are increasing like everything. But this is a bare bones budget, and our kids need more, but for this year let us forge ahead and pass this budget on June 4.

I feel a deep personal responsibility to help our schools in any way possible whenever I can. It truly does take a village, so please remind everyone you know to vote on Tuesday, June 4, or visit your town clerk’s office ahead of the vote to vote absentee.

Thank you for your thoughtful consideration.



Sharon E. P. Bixby

Ludlow, Vt.

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