LTE: Kristi Morris on his remarks on the police

Dear Editor,


Last week, I was interviewed by WCAX News about the recent shootings in Springfield. During that interview, I made comments that, when reported, have been taken as being very critical of Police Chief Mark Fountain and Lieutenant Patrick Call. It was not at all my intention to criticize either of these gentlemen or their work. I apologize to Chief Fountain, Lieutenant Call, and their families for any hurt that my comments have caused them.

Policing in today’s society with increased drug usage, increasing gun violence, and severe staffing shortages has become a very difficult profession. This is true not only in Springfield, but also throughout Vermont and our country. It is critical that we support our police. I strongly support the Springfield Police Department, from Chief Fountain and Lieutenant Call to our patrol officers and our dispatchers. They are doing a great job in a very challenging environment, and I thank each and every member of the department for all that they are doing for Springfield.



Kristi Morris

Chairman, Springfield Selectboard

Springfield, Vt.

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