Londonderry’s North Main Street Master Plan recommendations

LONDONDERRY, Vt. – The Town of Londonderry Planning Commission invites you to view and discuss the consolidated Main Street Master Plan recommendations developed by Stevens & Associates for North Main Street. The recommendations will be presented Thursday, Jan. 6, from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. on Zoom.

The consolidated plan and recommendations are the result of the six-month study, combined with community input and feedback. S&A has incorporated community comments from prior presentations and online submissions. Highlights of the recommendations include improvements to intersection of routes 100 and 11, raising streets and buildings above base-flood elevation in core village area, creation of a waterfront trail, and reduced flooding through improved upstream storage.

The Main Street Master Plan project has been funded through a municipal planning grant from the Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development. Based on criteria in the town’s Request for Proposals, S&A has developed recommendations for a vibrant, accessible, safe, mixed-use district to support housing options and existing and new business. The recommendations have been developed to reflect and retain the existing features and character of the North Village.

Additional information and access to the Zoom meeting can be found at Please note that the Zoom link will be posted on January 3.

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