LONDONDERRY, Vt. – The Londonderry area Tri-Mtn Lions held a very successful “Food from the Heart” food drive at The Londonderry Mountain Marketplace on Saturday, April 30, 2022. Over 400 pounds of food and hygiene products were donated to the Neighbor’s Pantry in Londonderry. Also, $600 was generously donated; $300 to the Stratton/Winhall Food Shelf and $300 to the Neighbors Pantry.
Thank you to all who donated. Where there’s a need, there’s a Lion. And in this case, “A kind and caring community.”
Mark your calendars, The Tri-Mtn Lions Duck Derby will be held on Saturday, July 2, following the parade in Londonderry.
We will be selling tickets in the community, watch for our signs.