SPRINGFIELD, Vt. – The Springfield Area Parent Child Center and friends are once again celebrating the annual Week of the Young Child in a creative way and they need your help. Now through April 16, community members, businesses, and schools are invited to “paint the community” with handprints as part of the #WOYCThankingHands campaign.
The staff at SAPCC has been busy creating and hanging cutout handprints with messages of thanks and encouragement in the windows at their center in North Springfield to honor and recognize teachers, staff, and students of all ages for their ongoing hard work as we hit the one-year mark of the pandemic. Everyone can help make this event a visual testimony throughout our region by simply hanging handprints on your front doors or in your windows. Get creative! There are no rules.
One option is to add a message on your handprint; maybe one that gives thanks to a special teacher, educational staff member, or student. Take a photo and share it on social media using #woycthankinghands in the comment. You can also email photos to sapcc@sapcc-vt.org. SAPCC will collect all the images and create a community album to spread the messages of gratitude even further.
Please visit the Springfield Area Parent Child Center Facebook event for more information or call 802-886-5242 if you need guidance or supplies to participate.