LUDLOW, Vt. – Fletcher Memorial Library is pleased to announce the Friends 2.0 Book Sale 2024. The book sale dates will be Aug. 16 and 17, with exact times to be determined.
We have secured the tables (thanks Vail), tents (thanks Celebration Rentals), dumpster (thanks A.B.L.E. Waste Management), and the take-away of sale remainders for a new home (thanks J’s Books & More). Our annual sale would not be possible without all of you.
Books will be accepted during regular library hours, beginning July 15 through Aug. 15. It takes many hands to make this a success. If you are interested in assisting the friends with their sale, please call the library at 802-228-8921.
Items not accepted include encyclopedias, text books, Reader’s Digest, magazines, and moldy or ripped books. If it is trash to you – it is trash and not for our book sale.