LUDLOW, Vt. – At their Tuesday, Aug. 1, meeting, the Ludlow Rotary Club was pleased to welcome back Robert Fleming and Amy Carst of Malayaka House in Entebbe, Uganda.
Robert’s story is amazing, how as a tourist in Uganda 18 years ago he became aware of a pregnant young woman not comprehending her pregnancy. Robert took it upon himself to keep a watchful eye and help as he may. The woman had her baby girl, and abandoned it in the bathroom of the hospital. Since Robert brought her in, the police told him to take the baby, as no one would want the child. The next day, Robert was given another young child by the police. You see children are dispensable in Uganda and Robert, being American, was believed to be able to care for them.
Robert, a single person on vacation, did not know how to change a diaper or care for a child. He learned very quickly. Hence, his first baby girl was named Malayaka (Angel), and the Malayaka house was “born.” Many children have been welcomed here, each with their own heart-wrenching story. All are well loved, cared for, and educated at the best schools, and on to university if the desire is there. Malayaka House is their home, forever welcomed, and Robert is their “Uncle.”
50 children have been so wonderfully cared for and loved. They have an amazing sense of self and caring for each other. Robert no longer runs Malayaka House, as it takes more than he to manage the day-to-day paperwork, etc. Instead, Robert freely spends time with the children day to day, arranges for their education and welfare, and focuses of public speaking and raising the funds continually needed to provide for the children.
All those years ago, perhaps 15, Rotary was introduced to Robert, his story, and Malayaka House. The Ludlow Rotary Club was so impressed that it wrote and received a sizable Rotary District 7870 grant, to assist with the installation of solar panels for Malayaka House.
The club was so touched by the kindness of Robert and his staff. A few Rotarians have visited Malayaka House. If you would like to learn more about this amazingly loving place, see the children, and read about all of the success of Malayaka House, please visit www.malayakahouse.com.
At the meeting, Robert spoke of his mission. It is to provide a loving and safe home for the children left behind, meet their needs, and provide the best education available for the kids.