E911 address signs available for Ludlow residents

An example of an E911 address sign. Photo provided

LUDLOW, Vt. – Members of the Ludlow Fire Department feel that the community’s safety is most important to us, and because of that we have begun a Community Risk Reduction (CRR) program. CRR is a process to identify and prioritize local risks, followed by the integrated and strategic investment of resources to reduce their occurrence and impact.

CRR is more than just fire safety. Just as the fire service is much more than just responding to fires, CRR is more than establishing a team or renaming your fire prevention programs. Effective CRR programs can help us tackle a wide range of issues facing our community and affecting our quality of life.

Our first roll out is the E911 address sign. Properly displaying your E911 number is important in the event of an emergency. A properly displayed number allows first responders to get to you faster, and that could be a matter of life or death.

Please contact the Ludlow Planning and Zoning Office at 802-228-2845 to obtain your E911 address sign.

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